I have always, since childhood, been a curious fellow with many interests. I have a natural mathematical skill, not exceptional but decent, that has allowed me to make a living as a programmer and have created several software companies that sold millions of dollars worth all around the world and employed hundreds.

I've played guitar and written music since I was eight and have a rock band still. I've been in major art exhibits near Versailles with the likes of Picasso and Matisse with algorithmic, generative art and created tens of thousands of works of great variety and I've written books. I do something creative for several hours every day. That's my obsession and indulgence.

I've made music software, publishing software, art software, government software, productivity software and much medical software. I got a patent for a method of translating color into music allowing people to play pictures like a musical instrument with pixound. I wrote a music theory in college called Holistic Tonality. I got a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from St. John's College, an interesting school based on the Great Books, using a Socratic method, that inspired me to think harder and write those thoughts down and join the grand discussion.

What you read of mine here on Medium, dear reader, are generally fragments of a larger, cohesive viewpoint. I care deeply about life and the world and my sole mission for my life is to do my small part to make the world a bit better and to provide ideas and solutions to difficult problems or to inspire others to.

I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving, successful and fairly enlightened family and a large capacity for Love and Empathy. I am grateful to you for reading this and hope you enjoy my writings.

This is me in college.

Medium member since November 2019
Peter McClard

Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.