All your arguments are tautological and self-referencing so they can't possibly prove themselves and simply belie your opinions. Saying "people started wanting to kill their children" says it all. It's unhinged because only murderers kill children and you've done nothing to establish an embryo as "a child" other than to rely on the words "conventional definition" which you claim has some connection to Aristotle who was a great thinker but also lived over 2,000 years ago without the benefit of modern science.
I can agree that a person sleeping or in a coma has a rational nature, though I still don't see the connection "rationality" has to the issue. Those two cases are born, established persons by my definition already so your hypotheticals are simply crimes.
Where you fail is to establish abortion as a crime because you can't establish an embryo as a person, rational or otherwise. You can only posit it as a premise based on your opinion, not science whatsoever. If we had a scientific definition of when and where personhood begins there would be no argument because it would be peer-reviewed and evidence-based.
I merely pointed out that the mother controls her own life, including the contents of her uterus. She controls it by eating and breathing and whether to be or not to be. There is already a tragic uptick of pregnant young women committing suicide due to Roe v Wade being overturned. Scientifically, there is absolutely nothing remarkable about a sperm entering an egg, one of the oldest biological things to happen. It's closely related to a bacterium dividing itself in mitosis. In fact a dividing fertilized egg is referred to as mitosis and is controlled by microbiology, not personhood.
Your greatest failure is to not realize that Nature provides a perfect system that is fair and produces all the healthy, wanted children we need and none of the ones we don't need. Nature kindly makes the embryo unaware of existence. Most women I know who have had abortions went on to have wonderful children WHEN THEY WERE READY. Had they been forced to have children before that would have upended their lives (several became doctors) and created resentments passed onto children from immature mothers. That's why the crime rate went down 20 yrs after Roe was passed and why it will now go up again. Crimes against BORN people.