Cosmic Resources: Infinite Value, Zero Cost

Peter McClard
7 min readMar 10, 2022


Cosmic Resources are simply resources that are created by the Cosmos, the Universe, for anyone to discover and use abundantly. They come free of charge with life. Sure, that means pretty much everything is a Cosmic Resource so what? Well, the reason it’s important to understand is that to deny certain things in Reality is delusional. It’s also leads to a failure to take full advantage of these gifts to live a better, high quality life. Cosmic Resources are common and belong to ALL inhabitants of Earth equally because no person or group can rightly lay claim to a domain that existed long before humanity. That is patently absurd and only one species on Earth seems to do it—humans. Cosmic Resources can not be owned. Cosmic Resources are not merely important, they are our Salvation.

I know by this point some people are already thinking about property rights, imminent domain and the labor and work required to extract and manage those resources and they are by no means “free.” I can hear those wheels turning. Regardless, the original “deposit” of all those things were not charged for by a Cosmic Shopkeeper and no bill was given. We humans made up the rest and I believe it is in our long-term interest to unmake the cost part of it. More than that, I show how we can do it in a way that multiplies material wealth for even the wealthiest persons AND everyone else as well. Material Wealth can now be the baseline of society. Currently, we have abject poverty as our baseline and we’ve finally reached a point in our evolution where this no longer needs to be the case. It’s entirely our choice.

When understood by an enlightened civilization, Cosmic Resources become an inexhaustible platform for thriving in splendor and making material poverty obsolete and even reaching the stars. By abusing material power and misunderstanding the role of this glorious inheritance we do ourselves more than a disservice, we risk early extinction. I go into great detail elsewhere on how to freely, harmoniously and automatically weave this Free Fabric of the Universe into a sustainable and enjoyable existence not just for us but all the co-inhabitants of Earth too, using nothing more than the rules of physics, logic, math, reason, wisdom and compassion.

The Cosmic Resources can be listed in two main groups:

  • Foundational Resources: The core properties of time, space, energy, matter, forces, mathematics, etc.
  • Material Resources: The practical, tangible resources we can directly manipulate and use and often refer to as Natural Resources

The Foundational Cosmic Resources

If anything, these resources own us. We can no more create them than we can create the Universe itself. We can only utilize and manipulate these to our favor (wisdom) or disfavor (foolishness).

Time: The Primary Resource, without which no other resource can exist. No amount of money can buy nor destroy time as it operates on a non-material level, independent of all else, requiring nothing but itself to operate.

Space: The Secondary Resource, without which Time would have no effect though Time still would exist without Space. But that is Moot since they co-exist, probably in Reality as co-equals — Space-Time.

Energy: All the energy that exists will continue to exist and be transformed into other forms of energy or matter. Energy imbues Motion to the Cosmos and a Still Cosmos would be devoid of Energy. Energy, if it can be said to die, would do so in a Black Hole where it becomes an Eternal prisoner with respect to the outside world. But we know nothing of what happens inside the black hole.

Matter: All matter is somewhat illusory in that it is actually “frozen energy” or perhaps vibrational standing waves on an inter-dimensional, nanoscale. Yet it exists and we interact with it, specifically, large groups of atoms and molecules. We don’t interact with the particles that compose matter. The closer one looks at matter, the less it seems to exist. For example, atoms are known to be 99.9999999999996% empty space.

Forces: Gravity, electromagnetism, the nuclear forces are forms of energy we can utilize and perceive in action. Without forces, we would have no organization and no matter could interact. Forces are somewhat mysterious as they operate with invisible fields and over theoretically infinite distances.

Quanta: The smallest “Planck” divisions of matter and energy that exhibit “magical” powers such as quantum entanglement that can cause two particles to share states instantaneously over any distance, infinitely surpassing the speed of light.

Mathematics: The numerical and geometric relationships of each thing to the next and the exact Laws of Reality

Harmonics Vibrational Relationships: These produce octaves and other harmonic intervals and ratios (such as π and ɸ) that permeate both matter and perceptions. H2O is a perfect example of material octaves and the taste of water is similar to the sound of octaves in music. Music and art are built on these relationships.

Metaphysics: These are intangibles such as parallel universes, spiritual realms, extra-dimensional realms, eternal things, unknowable things.

The Material Cosmic Resources

These resources are the tangible ones we are most familiar with and are ourselves made out of and are what we often think of as Natural Resources but that’s a somewhat more limited concept.

  • Sunlight, Wind, Ocean Tides, Molten Magma, Chemical and Nuclear Energy
  • Elements (eg. Oxygen, carbon, iron, silicon, gold, silver, etc.)
  • Molecular substances (eg. water, air, diamond, etc.)
  • Biological resources (eg. Plants, animals, bacteria, oil, etc.)
  • Ore, geological resources containing elements we desire
  • Stars, planets, moons, asteroids, etc. (the results of Forces acting on Matter and Energy over Time in Space)
  • Crystals, a special form of molecules or elements
  • Undiscovered materials

Most of the World we see and know, is composed of transformed Material Resources although some of them we enjoy directly, free of charge, such as air when we breathe. We ourselves are such a resource!

Material Resources are transformed in three ways:

  1. Passive: Through natural phenomena such as biological growth or geology (eg. volcanic activity, a tree growing). These naturally transformed resources are still considered Cosmic Resources but of a higher order. Indeed, modern matter has evolved from a primordial soup of Cosmic Plasma into an intricate tapestry of particles, waves and forces.
  2. Active: Through animal labor (eg. a sculpture or a bird’s nest)
  3. Meta: Through automated “labor” (eg. a mining robot)

The Earth receives daily only a tiny fraction of the Sun’s output, most of which flies off at the speed of light in every other direction than the Earth lies. In fact, we only receive approximately one billionth of the Sun’s energy radiation. This illustrates the absurd overabundance of the Foundational Energy Resource. Yet, even this belies a much, much larger energy inheritance that is for all practical purposes infinite, for in every single atom is locked up enormous amount of nuclear energy left over from the Big Bang and billions of years of supernovae, neutron stars colliding and who knows what. It’s mysterious but very real.

We have set aside certain elements as very special, such as gold and platinum and even carbon, when it’s been compressed into the crystalline form of diamonds. In a real sense these substances are very special because of the time it requires for them to be created. For gold, a star has to collapse into a dense neutron star and then collide with another neutron star. It is believed, only then can gold be forged. But when you think about it, every element is just as special, made out of the same miraculous electrons, neutrons and protons that were formed after the Big Bang. Without hydrogen to fuel those stars or gravity to compress them or electromagnetism to coalesce them, gold would not exist.

We even refer to certain of these metals as Precious Metals and others as rare Earth elements due to their relative scarcity in the upper crust of the Lithosphere. However, there is so much gold that settled at the Core of the Earth (along with lead and other such heavy elements) that if brought to the surface could probably coat the Earth in a very thick layer of gold making it much less precious and even deadly. So rarity of substance is often equated with value but it’s actually lack of access that we value, a sort of anthropocentric supply and demand model. A dog has no use for gold nor a particular attraction to it. Place a steak next to a bar of gold and you’ll see.

The undefined or infinite value of Cosmic Resources can be attributed to the Eternity which was available to create them, even if it’s a Relativistic Eternity. Over sufficient Time, something of zero value can become all possible value. Value is not even a required property of matter and energy so we can also say that nothing has an objective value or everything has no value. It doesn’t matter what we call it when it’s so arbitrary and made up.

The Cosmic Products: What the Universe Makes For Us

When we have created a sufficient level of automation, to the point of requiring very little, if any, human intervention to manufacture and deliver goods and services, what we are getting are Cosmic Products, those that are made by the organizing principles and materials of the Cosmos itself, a sort of intelligent matter if you will. Organization begets organization. In the exact same way that the Cosmos produced us over eons of evolution, we will likewise produce another System, begat by our own organization and Mental Wealth.

In as far as this System is an extension of our own intellects and bodies, it has additional nearly infinite powers hidden in the locked up Mysteries of the Cosmos in the form of mathematics and logic. Software that improves itself, does so without our specific guidance on the finer details once we have pointed it in the right direction. Machines that build improved machines are the physical manifestation of this same principle, i.e. Auxons. Over sufficient time, there is nothing that prevents the Cosmos from Becoming whatever it will be, biologically or otherwise. This force of organization is often referred to Extropy, the opposite of Entropy. Cosmic Products are a necessary consequence of The Programability of Matter.

This is an excerpt from my 2018 book: Wealth and the End of Money



Peter McClard
Peter McClard

Written by Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.

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