Deplorables = MAGA

Peter McClard
7 min readSep 3, 2022
MAGA is anything but great.

First, I don’t really blanket hate any group of people, even the misguided MAGA cult. They are who they are for reasons that make sense to them. I get it. I reserve most of my judgement for individuals who make terrible choices and do things to intentionally hurt others. So when I refer to the MAGAs it’s a statistical thing and there are undoubtedly many MAGA types who I might actually like in person as much as I disagree with their politics.

When Hillary Clinton somewhat foolishly (campaigning faux pas) asserted that HALF of Donald Trump’s followers were in a Basket of Deplorables she was spot on. While this didn’t help her in her election at the time, it was quite prescient as were many of her warnings. Also, the “half” often gets glossed over as “all” and that’s not what she was saying. Now, after 5.75 years of watching the MAGA movement in action, culminating with a violent attack on the US Capitol, I think people get it. At least enough people.

President Biden was so confident that a solid majority were sick and tired of the endless bizarre antics of the MAGAs that he attacked them directly and forcefully in his historic Prime Time speech in Philadelphia. Naturally, the MAGAs went bananas and are trying to twist it into the Basket of Deplorables on steroids to help them in the midterms. But like I said, now we have proof that their actions and beliefs truly are dangerous and…



Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.