Don’t Tell Me About Any Superior “Races,” Ever!

Peter McClard
8 min readNov 3, 2019


Three “races” of Labrador Dogs

You are inferior to a dog in so many ways. They can run faster, bite harder, smell and hear much better and they can suss you out in an instant. But even more superior, they don’t look at another dog and go, “Hey that guy’s fur is a different color so I’m superior!” They are literally colorblind but they are also shape blind because dogs come in all shapes and sizes, types of coats, face styles and more but dogs know another dog when they see one. They are non-judgmental on a fundamental level humans can barely imagine. Sure, they may want to tear it from limb to limb but not because of the fur color or features, because they just don’t like it or it’s in their territory. People can learn a lot from dogs.

Nothing is quite as despicable as a person who thinks they were born superior because they have a certain skin color or different hair, eyes, lips or nose than another. This is especially bogus now that we live in a much smaller, much more crowded world where we regularly interact with different styles of humans whose ancestors adapted to some region of the world over many thousands of years, usually based on how much sun they got but now live in a totally different region because this is NOW and that was THEN. Get over it. Humans too come in all shapes and sizes, colors and face styles, though not nearly as drastic as dogs because we don’t have some master species (not race), breeding us for specific features like dogs do. In fact, we’re pretty darn close to each other in comparison to dogs.

It is a scientific FACT that in order to be human you have to belong to the species Homo Sapiens. Period. Homo Sapiens stand upright on two legs, have large craniums with fairly large brains, are pathetically weak as babies, have opposable thumbs, are mammals and other traits and can ONLY breed with other Homo Sapiens. ALL OF THEM. By definition, if you can have a healthy, normal baby with someone, they are 100% your species. Another fact is all humans share 99.9% of genetics with all others. That 1/1000th difference accounts for ALL variations in people we see. Whatever superiority you think you have, it’s pretty much within 1/1000th of the next person.

By the way, superior race person, how exactly are you superior? Are you smarter? Are you taller? Are you more athletic? Are you more talented? Can you last in the Sun as long as them? If you are smarter then which way are you smarter since there are at least 7 or 8 different measures of intelligence now? Oh, and you think everyone in your “race” shares your superiority too?

Types of Intelligence. Illustration by JR Bee

We’re just beginning to understand what intelligence is and many animals have intelligences we can’t even measure but where they are obviously superior to us in certain ways. Even a Monarch butterfly can do something you could never do, with no GPS or help, find a pinpoint on the map in Mexico where Monarchs gather every year from all over North America.

So you might be good at math but really suck at interpersonal or other skills. You might be a fantastic gymnast but lack in rhythm or logic. Each person has a unique combination of all these things in reality. Your “superior” intelligence is highly questionable and if you think it’s based on the color of your skin or hair you are also quite insane because believe me, there are millions of people near your own skin color who are way smarter than you and also dumber than you and in all sorts of ways, guaranteed. And likewise there are an equal proportion of other skin colored folks who are both smarter and dumber than you too so your skin color is not going to help you on that front so get over your delusion of belonging to a smart race. Smarts is reserved for individuals.

Race is a myth told by society, not science. Nothing illustrates this more than when a person has parents of two different colors, let’s say dark and light. Which “race” is this person? The answer is neither because their parents also didn’t belong to a race, they belonged to a species. Yet a light-skinned society has been taught to see this new person as dark and a dark-skinned society would see them as light. In America, a white-founded country, if you are half white and half black, you are black. That’s just ridiculous. Who decided that? You are what you are, not what someone says. Barack Obama is said to be our first African American president and this really riled up the racists out there for some reason. His mother was white and his father was black so technically, he’s both a white man and/or a black man but in America he’s a black man! But I have news for you. Both of his parents were also white, black, red and yellow in some measure or another because they are guaranteed to be within 1/1000th of having identical genes. Racial purity is a myth. We all came out of Africa millions of years ago because that’s where our species started. Even in the Bible, if you believe in Adam and Eve, they too came out of Africa because that’s where all the biblical places were so think about that one, racists. The Bible happened in or near Africa. Sorry if that messes you up but look on a map for Egypt some time. But forget that, the Human Genome has been mapped and traced back to deep in Africa where lions, elephants and giraffes roam. End of story. We are ALL African immigrants one way or another so take pride in that!

My father was a surgeon and he told me when he cut someone open, ALL people looked the same inside. Exact same blood, bone, muscle and organ colors, consistency and anatomy. In fact, this sameness appears a mere 2mm into the flesh, past the outer epidermis. So all you racist, phony superiors out there are all worked up about 2mm of outer skin which is really only different in appearance due to a single molecule, melanin.

This molecule is what controls skin color.

So inside that 2mm of epidermis EVERY person on Earth has a different amount of this simple molecule which has a magical property—it absorbs light. So when Sun hits someone with a little of this in their 2mm it doesn’t get absorbed as much and reflects back off to your eye and appears lighter and when they have a lot it reflects less and appears darker. So if you are a racist, you are actually a moleculist and you are too ignorant to know it.

But of course, there are other differences, right? Like hair. As it turns out, hair is controlled by the shape of hair follicles and the “kinkiness” of hair is controlled by how oval it is at is produced by the follicle.

This is what controls hair curliness. Period.

So if you are all worked up about how different someone else’s hair appears what you are really worked up about is how oval the cross-section of their hair is which makes you an ovalist! What’s super pathetic about this is circles and ellipses are really the same thing seen from a different angle. Tilt a circle, you get an ellipse. So you are extra ignorant if you are an ovalist. Hair itself is made out of the exact same stuff in a slightly different packaging.

But I don’t even believe this is what all the racists are all twisted up about. It’s about different cultures, right? Not only do they not look like us, they don’t talk or behave or pray like us. They are different! The thing is about that, ANYBODY can learn to talk any way, pray any way, dress a certain way depending on how they are raised and where. A darker skinned person who grows up in England will have a British accent, oh wow! And a light kid raised by wolves will howl at the Moon too. Separate people out long enough and they damn sure WILL develop their own styles and manner of speaking—their own culture. To a Northerner, the thick accent of a backwoods hillbilly down South sounds quite different to what they’ve been hearing too. But with TV and movies, more and more people are losing thick accents and speaking more alike than ever which proves the point that it’s Nurture, not Nature. I assure you, having lots of cultures is a great thing. If we had one monoculture society it would be so bland and nothing new would ever come along. You need differences to have change. You only get a breeze when air pressure is different in one area from another. You only get electricity when a magnet moves near a wire coil. Cultural collisions are what makes America so dynamic and creative. Rock and Roll could ONLY happen because of cultural collisions, for example.

Your main problem, racists and supremacists—you are either ignorant, fearful or both. You don’t even know what you are or why you are that way but you somehow decided that you are meant to be forever with “your own people.” That’s fine, no one is forcing you to marry and have children with another melanin level person. But sure as hell, if one comes along, has a good heart and wins you over by the content of their character you best learn to follow the Dog Spirit that is teaching you to Love Unconditionally—exactly like Jesus taught, who never once mentioned the color of skin nor put it in a parable nor spoke of it in any way possible (remember, He was in or near Africa at the time). Also, quit being such a chickenshit about different people. Spend a few weeks in New York City. You’ll see busy people who just don’t have time for that crap with hundreds of different cultures constantly bumping into each other and getting things done.

Finally, When a “Superior Race” DOES come along you will know it. You will be the Neanderthal and they will be the Cro Magnon, no matter your skin color. They will outdo you in every way imaginable and you will have no doubt that they are WAY ahead of you and no amount of Tiki Torch marching will save you and they WILL replace you. This may happen sooner than you think due to the phase we are entering—The Genetic Age—where people design the traits they want in their children from an a la carte menu. They’ll be taller, smarter, better looking, disease free and before you know it, you will be plain old inferior. For all you know they might have jet black skin and purple eyes and be seven feet tall and barely recognize you as worth interacting with. So get off your high horse of superiority, embrace diversity, mixing of cultures and gene pools because it’s not going away, EVER!



Peter McClard
Peter McClard

Written by Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.

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