Election Reframed: Democracy vs. Autocracy & More

Candidates are far less important than party agendas

Peter McClard
11 min readJul 4, 2024
It’s not a hard choice, folks!

It’s time to forget about the candidates for a moment and focus on what really matters for the future we want to see.

Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, things have recently changed too much to apply the same personality-based horse race approach we are all so used to. I would love it if we had a regular election, choosing between different yet capable or even compelling and upstanding individuals, may the best man or woman win. Unfortunately, whether fairly or not, the majority of folks see this election as a Hobson’s Choice, essentially no good choices. On the one hand we have a decent, professional elderly incumbent who is showing tangible signs of cognitive slowdown and on the other hand we have a convicted felon who has a serious penchant for autocrats and has been diagnosed with malignant narcissistic personality disorder and is a constant prevaricator. To me, this is a no brainer but I’m just me.

We are approaching a VERY DANGEROUS precipice—IF you’ve been a fan of traditional American core values and the very identity of the United States as a Democratic Republic, where voters rule and Checks & Balances keep us within somewhat well-defined defined limits of corruption or malfeasance. You know…



Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.