Fifty Shadinesses of Donald Trump

Peter McClard
14 min readDec 15, 2020


Donald J Trump is a shady character, and much worse. Anyone who elevates him to any level of honor or respect is completely delusional or blind to the point they will ignore the most obvious base traits and immorality. They will ignore their own eyes and ears and they will ignore even close family members and confidants of Trump who have alerted us to his many disturbing flaws. But in case you missed them, here are my top 50:

  1. His appearance is fake: When the very first thing you see of a man is nothing like the actual man but one that has been worked on for 2 hours every morning to appear more vital and healthy, you should take notice. He is a fake. Between the $75k per year hair work and dyes and his awful raccoon eyes signature orange bronzer tint what you are seeing is actually a pasty white, veiny, wrinkled, balding, gray-haired, fat old man painted to look like something he is not. Gross.
  2. He is a pathological liar: Lies are not hard to detect. Sure a little white lie here or a whopper there could slip through but when someone is constantly lying there is no hiding it since we can often check what is said against facts and reality. The problem is he lies so much that his followers have almost never heard him tell the truth so they have gone into opposite world where up is down and hot is cold and Donald is Honest Abe. I will come back to this below because many of his shady deeds are rooted in lying. It’s a MAJOR character flaw and ALWAYS will be. At no time will being a constant liar be admirable or virtuous. Even number one above is a form of lying about his appearance before he even utters a word. Sad.
  3. He is a cheater: Not all cheating is illegal. In fact you can cheat at Monopoly or golf without breaking any laws and you can cheat vendors out of their payments legally using bankruptcy and the courts. Donald Trump has brazenly cheated on all of his three wives countless times and this is well documented. Perfectly legal and immoral.
  4. He is a draft dodger: For someone who talks so tough about the military and police, you would think there was at least one Trump who served in the US military. Even his grandfather left Germany to avoid military service so cowardice is in the Trump blood. Through his multiple lies to the Draft Board about non-existent bone spurs, rich boy Trump avoided Selective Service and was able to live the party life in New York City while less fortunate boys bled out in the jungles of Viet Nam or brave rich kids like John Kerry served with honor alongside less fortunate sons. Coward.
  5. He is a tax dodger: Not only did Trump conveniently forgo his obligations to the country’s military like the coward he is, but he also works tirelessly to hoard wealth for himself to live lavishly while starving the city, state and nation of their earned and needed share of his windfalls. Donald loves it when other people pick up the bills so he can enjoy a strong city, state and country without actually helping to do his part. It is estimated that he owes hundreds of millions in back taxes. Un-American.
  6. He is an Atlantic City mobster casino man: Anyone who has watch Boardwalk Empire knows exactly how corrupt the mob-infested casino business is. It would be impossible to operate dirty gambling enterprises without the influence of the mob and the corrupt, criminal mindset required to take money away from people all day and all night. Criminal.
  7. He never gave up his business while President: Normal Presidents who have business interests place such interests into a blind trust to avoid the inevitable conflict of interest between doing the work of President and making profits. But Donald Trump has not only stayed in business but continues to profit off of the Presidency which is disgusting. Corrupt.
  8. He had secret meetings with Vladimir Putin: Not only has Trump met privately with Putin but he took extraordinary measures to hide the contents of such meetings and had all notes confiscated. To this day we have no idea how he represented the people of the United States or himself in these meetings. Creepy.
  9. He was impeached for abuse of power: Very few Presidents are impeached, however Trump was for a very corrupt activity of trying to sully his political opponent using a foreign government who he unsuccessfully coerced into investigating Joe Biden and his son using US taxpayers money and equipment as a bargaining chip. A villain.
  10. He paid illegal campaign money to Stormy Daniels: It’s not allowed to funnel campaign finances to porn stars who you boffed so they wouldn’t tell their story. That’s why Michael Cohen is doing time and why Donald Trump should be too. There were other stories that were suppressed by the Enquirer too. Sneaky.
  11. Hired his kids for major White House positions: Nepotism is not new to DC but this takes the cake. Usually, the person such as Robert Kennedy is highly qualified with extensive experience but in this case Trump’s kids had zero government experience or exceptional talents. Weird.
  12. Allowed Jared top security clearance against recommendations: Neither Donald Trump nor Jared Kushner would ever qualify for top security clearance but because of our system, the President gets to override that stuff and decide for himself no matter how foolish it is. Jared failed security clearance and corrupt Donald gave it to him anyway. Wrong.
  13. Encourages violent behavior: Presidents are supposed to cool things down and be the adult in the room but numerous times Donald Trump has incited his followers or police to act viciously and unlawfully, calling on them to knock the crap out of people or worse. Despicable.
  14. Said there were fine people on both sides: When white supremacists and neo-nazis marched in Charlottesville and a woman was cravenly murdered, instead of condemning the obviously evil behavior Trump famously gave the marchers a pass and said there were fine people on both sides. There weren’t.
  15. Caught on video talking about his sexual assault methods: The now famous Billy Bush video where he says “I just grab them by the pussy” didn’t seem to be enough to keep white women from voting for him in droves. Go figure.
  16. Has been sued by numerous women over sexual assaults: And we see that he puts his hands where his mouth was. When you hear the accounts of these women it perfectly matches what he himself said. He’s even been taken to court by his ex-wife Ivana for rape where he had hate sex with her for sending him to a plastic surgeon he didn’t like. Deviant.
  17. He is disloyal: While Donald Trump requires absolute loyalty to him, as soon as someone says the least non-loyal or honest thing about him he goes out of his way to ruin that person and drag them accross hot coals no matter how much they have done for him so his loyalty is a one-way street. There was even a book written by his lawyer entitled Disloyal. Dishonorable.
  18. Partied with Jeffery Epstein: We’ve seen the videos of Trump and Epstein yucking it up at Mar a Lago as they disgustingly ogled young women. God only knows all the things they did that weren’t captured on video. Yuck.
  19. Wished Epstein’s partner in crime well: If not to prove that he was really good buddies with Epstein, in the middle of a horrendous Pandemic, Trump went out of his way to wish Ghislaine Maxwell well when she was arrested for being the main coordinator of sex trafficking. Unscrupulous.
  20. Has a long list of arrested and convicted accomplices: Very few if any men, and no Presidents, can claim to have as many jailed or indicted high-level officials associated with them as Donald Trump. A truly “impressive” list. Guilt by association.
  21. Left many injured businesses and contractors in his wake: In his years of construction, Donald Trump would get people to front him work and goods (such as 70 Steinway Grand Pianos) and then refuse to pay the agreed amount of go backrupt to avoid payment altogether. This is stealing. Thief.
  22. Involved in over 3,500 law suits: How many people do you know who have been in a lawsuit, let alone over 3,000? This is a prime indicator of shadiness, criminal mentality, and anger-inspiring treatment of many people. He’s a litigious prick.
  23. Bragged about yacht sex to a gathering of Boy Scouts: Donald Trump rarely says anything that doesn’t belie the gutter level of his inner thoughts but he also proved he can’t even control it, even as President and even to a group that prides itself on “Scout’s Honor.” He just had to tell these Boy Scouts and their parents how his millionaire buddy loved to boff supermodels on his yacht, wink wink. Inappropriate.
  24. Gassed and blasted peaceful protestors for church photo: Nothing says demon spawn much more than injuring unarmed folks so you can have an awkward photo op weirdly holding an upside-down Bible in front of a church you never attended to impress “Christians.” Sick.
  25. Banned from VIP funerals: Generally speaking, Presidents don’t get banned from funerals and are welcomed as representatives of the People. however John McCain and Barbara Bush made explicit requests that he NOT attend their which shows how despicable he is. Persona non grata.
  26. Completely unsupportive of the Arts: Under Obama the Kennedy Awards were just one of many events they joyously hosted in support of the arts. Not only did Trump kill this tradition, but it was also hard to find any but the lowest talents who wanted to perform for the Trumps because of his offensive behavior. Cretin.
  27. Lacking a sense of humor: Anyone who laughs a Donald Trump’s jokes is a bit of a lowlife. His attempts at humor are mean-spirited and miss the mark every time. The fact that he basically destroyed the Correspondent’s Dinner showed that his fragile ego also can’t handle ribbing or understand irony or any form of subtle humor. His performance at the Cardinal Al Smith Dinner was pathetic. Dimwit.
  28. Doesn’t like dogs and dogs don’t like him: Never trust a man who doesn’t like dogs and even less one who dogs don’t like. The Trump’s were the first dogless family in the White House that I can remember which just added to the zombie-like, joyless atmosphere of the place. Untrustworthy.
  29. Disparaged military heroes: There are so many cases from, “I like guys that weren’t captured” to calling Fallen Soldiers “Suckers and losers” to tormenting a Gold Star family that proved Donald Trump does not understand true sacrifice and never deserved to be Commander in Chief. Ingrate.
  30. Shoved a foreign leader rudely: The video of DJ Trump making his way to the front of a crowd of European leaders and shoving the President of Montenegro aside then straightening his tie like it was cool was all you needed to know this is man is unfit for the job. Embarrassing, classless.
  31. Has no awareness in social situations: A person with a Narcissistic Disorder like Trump has is unaware of others and constantly focuses on themselves. You can see this many times as he walks in front of the Queen of England or Melania (like she’s not there) or when he awkwardly walks out of incomplete ceremonies leaving people scratching their heads. Unfit.
  32. Hocked Goya beans on the Resolute Desk: Trump never stopped promoting businesses whose leader praised him or doing anti-business (when he seeks to hurt a business). But perhaps one of the most embarrassing moments is when he loaded up the Resolute Desk with an assortment of Goya Beans because the CEO supported Trump. Unpresidential.
  33. Transactional approach to International Relations: Trump never quite understood that the United States is NOT a business so he was always mentioning money and costs to NATO, Korea and Japan even though our costs for these Peacekeeping Efforts was quite cheap compared to the cost of one World War which we’ve managed to avoid. Grotesque and unseemly.
  34. Refused to acknowledge Congressional Power: Donald Trump’s understanding of the Constitution is pathetic if not non-existent. His lack of respect of Congressional Oversight, subpoenas and even budgetary votes were egregious. When Congress refused to fund his wall, he stole the money from the Pentagon, doing an end around on Article I. He directed people to break the law regularly when answering to Congress. Unconstitutional.
  35. Burnt through national funds for personal purposes: Taxpayers funded hundreds of interstate golf outing and personal ego-boost rallies with Air Force One and a full Secret Service detail to the tune of many hundreds of millions of dollars. On top of that, he managed to personally profit since most of these were at his own golf properties. This disgusting abuse of our tax dollars should never be allowed again. Scurilous.
  36. Highly materialistic: It doesn’t take a genius to know that a guy who loves gaudy gold furniture and fixtures, rides around in choppers and limos, eats at expensive restaurants and marries models is shallow and materialistic. Not only was Donald Trump born with a golden spoon in his mouth but he made sure it stayed there his whole life even when it was supplied by other people’s money since he was and is in major debt. Disgusting.
  37. Mocked a disabled reporter: It’s hard to forget Donald Trump pretending to be spasmodic while mocking a reporter with Palsy who had asked a question. This shows an inner cruelty and a lack of empathy that is legendary but only made him look permanently foolish. Contemptable.
  38. Childish name calling: One of the hallmarks of the immature Trump Disorder is to dream up mean-spirited, yet unimaginative nicknames for people like Crooked Hillary, Crazy Nancy and Sleep Joe. This is so unpresidential yet his blind followers seemed to revel in this childish, base behavior proving that they are intellectually stunted like he is. Pathetic.
  39. Tweeting disorder: Nothing sets Trump apart from normal people, let alone Presidents like his Permanent Tweet Record. The sheer amount of tweeting done, the insanity, the illiteracy, the meanness, the indignity, the retweeting of garbage, lies and conspiracies is so embarrassing as it is now a part of the permanent Presidential Record of the United States. Psychologists will have to study this material for decades to understand the true depravity revealed in this creepy written record of a sick man. Craven.
  40. Inability to evolve or learn: As Obama said, “The Presidency does not change a person but reveals who the person is.” Yet, every President before Trump managed to learn as they went and tried to expand their base. Trump never seemed to reach out “across the aisle” or to even add a single voter to his side. He only addressed his most strident followers and never stopped campaigning to this base and became a ridiculous parody of himself and the Glory Days of 2016. Demented.
  41. Lives for vendettas and retribution: A more enlightened person doesn’t hold grudges or seek vengeance for minor things but moves on. But Mobster Trump, even upon the smallest perceived slight or criticism delights in exacting revenge and bringing pain to his perceived enemies. Once he became powerful, he expanded his pain machine to his base of minions who would threaten and make miserable those that angered Dear Leader. Those that know Donald well know how cruel he loves to be. Derilect.
  42. A criminal mind: As history will show, Donald Trump is, and has always been, an actual criminal who broke many laws, many times. This is because he learned to think like a criminal—How to get around rules and laws, how trick the system, how to trick the other guy, how to punish the competition, how to cheat. In his mind this was winning so he learned to double down on criminal behavior and was rewarded with material success at the expense of others, or caring or dignity. Evil.
  43. Vanity and selfishness: From my very first point above down to here there is a disorder of ego and selfishness at the heart of it. A Narcissist is consumed with their own image and all thoughts lead to the self and “what’s in it for me.” This is the exact opposite of what we need in a President. A good President is completely consumed with what they can do for others, how they can help others, how they can prevent or ameliorate the suffering of others. Tragic.
  44. Incurious and incapable of critical thinking: Trump constantly displays his lack of knowledge and his lack of curiosity. It is obvious that he hasn’t read much nor been engaged in meaningful discussions and thus lacking the qualifications for National Leadership. He has spouted so many stupid, clueless things that it is obvious he stopped absorbing knowledge many decades ago and hasn’t even been able to process the little knowledge he does have for lack of reflection. Slow.
  45. No attention span: Trump is known to have an Attention Disorder and those close to him say he can only focus for about 5 to 10 minutes tops and gets bored and restless. This is possible why he was prescribed Adderall, a methamphetamine type used to combat this condition. Unfortunately, this is a terrible trait for a President who must remain focused on important details and make informed decisions based on critical thinking. Being hopped up on prescription meth doesn’t help when combined with his narcissism and power lust. Gnatlike.
  46. Lives in an alternate reality: Look no further than the year 2020 in which Donald Trump continually denied and downplayed the seriousness of a rising Pandemic to the serious detriment of millions of Americans. Then add to that his refusal to accept Reality when Joe Biden clearly won the election and Donald Trump to this day insists, “I WON BY A LANDSLIDE!” This is sheer insanity and it has caused endless suffering. Delusional.
  47. Many negative books written: Don’t take my word for it, take the record number of books written by administration insiders, family members, prize-winning journalists, psychologists, experts of all types—each corroborating the other on what an unhinged, feckless, unfit, delusional weirdo Donald Trump is. No other President has anything close to this. Infamous.
  48. Destroyer of Democracy: Donald Trump as stated above is a man of vengeance. This is bad enough when it is directed at individuals but when it is directed at society at large, a society that has rejected him, it becomes very dangerous. Because he knows he’s a criminal, Donald Trump would do anything to remain President and Above the Law, the Big Boss who can’t be touched. Even if he has to destroy the very foundations of our Republic, he would do so in a heartbeat if he could remain. He can’t and shan't remain. He is a grave threat to our country. Dangerous.
  49. Without compassion: Whatever the reasons are, and conjecture is that it stems from his childhood, Donald Trump seems incapable of understanding, let alone caring about the suffering of others. He is a sociopath and verging on a psychopath in this way. This is the most dangerous of all his traits and is the exact opposite of what we need in a President. Because of this he can never be allowed in power again. Callous.
  50. Amplifies and multiplies suffering across the land: I could write dozens of pages on the suffering Donald Trump is directly responsible for which is well beyond shady into the territory of monstrous. His careless handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic, his super spreader rallies and encouragement of unsafe practices, his minimizing of dangers, his lack of mobilization on a National Scale has resulted in countless individual tales of unimaginable sadness and pain. This pain isn’t only the pain of losing a loved one remotely or working 36 hour shifts in a full ICU without proper protection but MUCH more than that. It’s stories of hunger, fear of losing everything, loss of homes and jobs, loss of a foot or a toe, a cancer treatment that was delayed too long, an untreated heart condition and much more. So much of this could have been avoided if we didn’t have to Worst Possible Person in charge of our Government at the Worst Possible Time. Truly Heartbreaking.



Peter McClard
Peter McClard

Written by Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.

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