Has Your Mind Been Hacked? Check These Things.
First of all, when your mind is hacked, you won’t exactly know it so it’s sort of tricky to figure it out and even trickier to do something about it. However, most mind hack victims at least know something is not quite right even though they will gloss it over, deny it or stay distracted. So the unease or constant state of agitation is your first clue.
What is mind hacking?
The mind is not exactly a computer and we’re used to hacking applying to computer software so it’s important to understand how our own personal “software” could be compromised. Computer software is also called a program and programming is the craft of making software.
When a normal program is hacked, some bit of “foreign” malicious code is introduced that bypasses the original program and does something not intended by the original programmer. This can be fairly benign such as bypassing the copy protection (pirated software) or something truly awful such as ransomware or spyware which takes over your entire computer.
It’s no coincidence that human education is also often referred to as a program. She entered the science program at MIT. And when you are educated on a given topic, you receive a sequence of instructions and data to encode into your memory. These programs become your base of knowledge and basis of forming opinions on various related or unrelated topics. You are what you learn, starting from day 1.
Likewise, television is presented to us in programs.
When you watch a program, you are being programmed. You are often being told things in an authoritative way that enhances your receptivity to the information and repetition further deepens the encoding into your memory and thought pathways. Beware of addictive shows.
Add to these two common models of human programming a third type enabled by the advent of the Internet called social networks. Social Networks present a curated set of information designed to maximize your engagement, often mixed in with benign information such as food and wedding photos, funny memes about pets, etc. They are also closed circles of “friends” so that you can filter out any information that rubs you wrong or presents opposing views to your own. This makes social networks the most powerful tool in the arsenal of mind hackers because it lets them into your inner circle of trust where you are most susceptible and comfortable.
Mind Hacking is when any or all of the above tools are used by malevolent actors to insert into your mind thoughts that contradict reality, defy logic and reason and alter your behavior in ways that are not in your best interest but in theirs. This is what causes the unease because on a subconscious level the hacked mind knows that it is not thinking clearly for itself. Someone else is thinking for you and through you. You’ve been hacked!
Who are the mind hackers?
Anybody who is trying to persuade you about something is attempting to program you but that doesn’t make them nefarious. It only becomes nefarious as you try to get to the original source of the information they are giving you and it starts to get fuzzy, contradictory or downright deceitful. Know this—there are people who specialize in mind hacking and brainwashing and its commercial form surrounds us every day in the form of marketing and advertising. This mundane hacking is of concern but it’s not what we are after right now.
Beyond the clever graphic artists and copywriters of the advertising industry are master manipulators who know which buttons to push to get a maximum response for their agenda. These players always have their own agenda and it can be much larger than you are aware of. Governments (including our own) are famous for targeting large groups with clever programming such as The Voice of America radio. With social media they have amplified their ability to pinpoint target individuals and it’s made their job much easier.
What are the signs of Mind Hacking?
Here are some of the things that may indicate you have been compromised:
- You don’t think governments are or would bother targeting you with messaging or ideas. They probably have you comfortably in their grip at this point. Intelligence Agencies around the world are working around the clock to coax you into thinking in a way that interests them. These are the Grand Masters of mind hacking and they have been refining their skills in secret for over a century.
- You accept things easily as facts without bothering to verify or study it much. You’re a one-stop-shop for misinformation.
- You tend to buy into conspiracy thinking. You find it plausible that a large number of people could cover up a “fact” such as we actually didn’t land on the Moon and all the photos are fakes and 400,000 witnesses are liars. You will find yourself requiring larger and stranger fictions to maintain the conspiracy or it all falls apart. But you believe it anyway.
- You use God as a catchall for things you don’t like to deal with. God will sort it out. God will protect us. God will fix it. It’s God’s will. These can all be true and you can STILL be screwed like many other people have been. This is because God doesn’t consult for permission from you or any human, if God exists at all, sorry. God will NOT sort it out the way you want and you WILL die. Never use God as an excuse for terrible behavior.
- You like the simplest explanation. If you see with your own eyes and feel with your own skin that things are getting warmer, you will buy into the explanation that this is a Natural Cycle and will resolve itself. You will ignore more complex analysis that shows how easily we can create a miserable environment with mass extinction and calamity. Try to avoid oversimplifying a complex world.
- You think certain TV shows or spokespeople are infallible. You’ve bought into the cult of personality and stopped all critical thinking about the content presented even though the Board of Directors of the show are ONLY interested in selling things to you through advertisers who pay the bills and make them wealthy. Keep a huge bucket of skepticism nearby whenever you watch TV. Don’t always buy what they are selling.
- You have contrarian or libertarian tendencies. If someone says do something, your first response is “don’t tell me what to do,” even if they are telling you something perfectly reasonable. You hate being told what to do, no matter what it is, like a two year old, so you say no against your own interests. Look for this childish tendency in yourself.
- You buy into Catch Phrases and Slogans. You are the perfect mind hacking victim because all you need is a simple phrase like “Lock her up!” or “Build the wall!” or “America First” or “Black Lives Matter” or “Blue Lives Matter” or “Critical Race Theory” or “WWG1WGA,” etc. Don’t be such a sucker and learn to think for yourself and not repeat simple-minded slogans, even if they are well-meaning.
- You have trouble sleeping. Because you are filled with contradictions and misinformation, your subconscious (who knows the truth) will be in a constant state of agitation and since it rules the sleep world, you will suffer. You may but on a good act but deep down you aren’t fooling anyone.
- You tend to like the Malevolent Actors who are hacking you. Even though the Soviet Union and the KGB had a singular purpose to destroy America from the inside out, you will tend to trust Putin (Headed the KGB) or even admire him even though he is ruthless and has no desire whatsoever to Make America Great Again (or Ever). If you have positive feelings about Putin, he is in full control of your mind. This is also referred to as Stockholm Syndrome.
- You think things are funny that are actually awful. If you find yourself laughing at the suffering of others or amusing when someone or some group you dislike is negatively impacted or when someone has their life ruined then you have been turned into a sociopath. If you respond only to snark and unserious statements that are hurtful or mean, you are an amateur human being. Get help.
- You have a phony distrust of science and math and education. If science is out to get us then why are you always on your phone or driving your car or wanting a doctor to cure you? Science isn’t only there for you when it’s convenient. It’s there 24 hours a day with the best information we have because of its rigorous methods of verification. Math even more so. It’s OK to be bad at math but to reject it when you don’t understand it is purely stupid. Don’t be stupid.
- You prefer to gamble over playing it safe. You don’t understand statistics and probability. That’s fine except when you put your life or the lives of your friends on a big roulette table or throw the dice one too many times, you WILL come up on snake eyes sooner than later. Learn the basics and don’t gamble more than you need to.
- You distrust foreigners. Foreigners are not scary. They are regular people with the same exact needs as you. They are, after all, from the same planet. Sure they have their weirdos and criminals but at the exact same rate as everybody else. The vast majority are upstanding, hard working and make great neighbors. Someone in your family was once a foreigner, guaranteed.
- You think police are infallible. Police follow the exact same pattern. Most are upstanding but a few of them are psychos or power trippers and are every bit as criminal as those they are sworn to protect us from. Don’t blindly accept everything the police say or do. Mind hacked people don’t like to question authority.
- You think one political party is infallible. Politicians are master mind hackers and their mission is most often to get elected at any cost. They will tell you what you want to hear if they think it will secure your vote. When they get help from outside players, especially on a national level, you will be easily persuaded into thinking they are 100% correct on every topic. They aren’t.
- You tend to equivocate. Things are never exactly equal. If I say the Sun is hot and you say it’s an ice cube, only one of us is right. Quit trying to find the equal and opposite in every Left vs. Right issue. This leads to Whataboutism where folks say sure, I get it but what about….This shows a lack of critical thinking skills and often you are comparing apples to oranges so it makes no real sense.
- You don’t know what critical thinking is. Critical thinking requires us to look beyond the superficial statements and to learn something new. It requires us to examine all sides of an issue and try to understand why people think a certain thing based on what facts.
- You don’t trust facts. A fact doesn’t need your trust. It just sits there being a fact, a little piece of truth such as 1 + 1 = 2. When you find yourself ignoring or denying too many facts, you’ve been hacked! Indeed this is the number one symptom of mind hacking, the inability to accept perfectly reasonable, proven facts.
- You are overly affected by peer pressure. Most people don’t like to rock the boat and like to go along with the crowd because it’s smoother sailing that way. But be aware that the crowd may be wrong and steering you over a cliff like a lemming. Peer pressure cause more people to do what they know is the wrong thing because they don’t have the backbone to stand up against the group. This is normal behavior. However, you need to draw the line using your critical thinking skills and your intuition to protect yourself and your friends from going over the cliff for no good reason.
- Some friends and family have shunned you. Maybe not all of them but you are certainly in danger when more than a few have stopped interacting with you because of your odd behavior and stubbornness. This is a warning sign you should heed.
- You are overly certain about things. This goes hand in hand with lack of critical thinking skills. If you tend to stick to your guns and shut off opposing views because you already have the answer, you don’t. The ability to know what you don’t know for certain is a great survival skill.
- You feel entitled. Quite often someone will look at their citizenship or membership in a certain group as a form of entitlement conferring certain rights. More often than not, it’s actually a privilege and not a right and it comes with responsibilities. True entitlement is earned, not given.
- You feel infringed upon. This is a common thread in the mind hacked crowd. A constant sense of victimhood is the mentality of a weakling. For example, you may feel like immigrants are stealing jobs when you yourself are fully employed and have never been a victim of an immigrant in any way, only in your imagination or because someone said it. You may own several guns and be bellyaching about the 2nd Amendment as though you were impeded at any time from buying your guns. you weren’t infringed.
- You suffer from Imaginary Victim Syndrome. You hear about crimes in far away places and act as though they are happening to you. The rarely are. The fact is, most of us rarely are the personal victim of a crime any more than the normal amount. People who watch the news often get an amplified sense of crime run amok when in fact it’s probably at a way lower level than it’s been in the past. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care but just don’t blow it out of proportion. They don’t tell you the good news.
What can you do if you’ve been mind hacked?
Honestly, in many cases you need to be deprogrammed. If the hacking is persistent and deeply rooted, you may need intervention. Nevertheless try to develop new habits around the information you allow into YOUR mind. It’s all under your control if you let it be and make a minimum effort to secure your mind. Try some of these things:
- Ask more questions. Don’t allow information in without a few questions about its source and veracity.
- Switch channels. Don’t get all your news from one source or one type of channel. Even better, turn off the TV more often.
- Pay attention to warning and information alerts and labels. They are there for a reason. Follow the links to learn more.
- Never be afraid to learn. It’s OK to be wrong but it’s not OK to accept being wrong without first trying to learn the facts or become more informed.
- Accept facts as facts. Sure, not all facts are super clear but some are. Learn how to recognize opinions vs. facts.
- Question authority more. Think for yourself and make sure you are in full agreement with the reasoning and justification of “authorized” statements and opinions.
- Put yourself in others’ shoes. Try to see things from a different perspective and learn to identify with people based on common experiences, not just differences.
- Read a book. Reading is good for your mind and can often crack the mind hack code imbedded in your brain.
- Think about something else. Quit obsessing on political things and concentrate on other aspects of life that are less divisive.
- Calm down. Stress and anxiety are out of control. Try to identify stressers in your life and work to eliminate them. Don’t allow yourself to get too riled up about things that are far away from you.
- Gain perspective. Try to realize when things are getting blown out of proportion and escalating for no particular reason. Most things are not as bad as you think. Some things are worse than you think too.
- Reduce snarkiness. Snarkiness is funny. We all love a bit of it but beware when it becomes your main way of communicating. Be compassionate too.
- Seek proof for conspiracies. Don’t just take information someone feeds you. Do the work and make sure it wasn’t debunked by more reliable sources.
- Find common ground. You’d be amazed how many things we all have in common. Spend more time appreciating these things and less concern over our differences.
- Remember your religious teachings. If you are a believer, then make sure you carefully reread your Bible or whatever because chances are you are not following the principles therein. Don’t be a religious hypocrite.
- Expand you horizons. Try to experience some new things. Travel somewhere or do something new to get you out of your rut.
- Accept not knowing. You can’t know everything and you don’t have to make final decisions based on things you don’t know. Learn about the limits of your knowledge.
- Be Love-based, not Hate-based. If you find yourself angry or with strong feelings of hatred toward a group then seek help. This is not healthy or normal. Hatred causes all manner of illnesses and brings bad fortune.