I suppose hacking has its dangers. Do you think you can hack into any nations' classified information and just get a pass regardless of the information? There is something in the world called karma. For example, helping get Donald Trump elected as Assange did by leaking Hillary and DNC emails at the worst time, coordinated with Roger Stone, resulted in hundreds of thousands of additional Covid deaths. So both hacking and meddling in elections can be very bad for your karma. Notice there are billions of people who didn't do that and they are not in deep trouble in jail. What started out as interesting and perhaps journalistically useful, became egotistical, scorched Earth and reckless and cost lives. THAT is why Assange finds himself in so much strife. Hubris. Probably the same hubris that made him think he could force himself on on young Swedish women with impunity, I'm guessing. Not a saint. Not a journalist. Hacker. Hack.