I understand your desire to place humans at the top of the order but you have no idea what even a single ancient bird such as an eagle "thinks" or how other animals have far superior senses including intuition where humans are serious laggards. Yes we have tools but what are we doing with them? Ruining the Biosphere, overfishing the ocean, leaving a trail of toxins and garbage, paving over paradise. The Quran has not prevented any of this so you have to admit its powers are limited. Who's to say whales are not the people of the ocean? It's their domain, not ours. You are simply an anthrocentrist and I understand as a fellow human but I'm humble enough to think these other sentient creatures are not here for our amusement or food source but to also live their lives and watch out for God with the special powers they have been given. I'm afraid it's more complicated than you might think or have been told.