I usually use They/Their for the God pronoun and corrected that instance. In the case of my argument, it doesn't rely on God existing but only Reality because that DOES exist and IF God existed then Reality is how They generally make themselves known that I know of since I don't have other than personal anecdotes of experiencing the Holy or the Godhead as well as written accounts.
As far as Eternal Evolution goes it's very simple. Any evolution whatsoever that proceeds over an infinite iteration will eventually create an Apex Being. It doesn't matter if it's THE God or just a god or just an alien who is far superior in the evolutionary chain than near-chimpanzee humans and is God to YOU, like we are to bugs in a lab. The only counters for this argument are:
1. The Universe is not eternal and appeared 15B years ago out of nothing and we used up all the nothingness so it can't happen again and there is not enough time for an exponentially more advanced being to evolve.
2. or Evolution only happens on Earth because it's the only planet with life that we know of.
3. The Universe is eternal but completely resets itself in a cycle big bangs and nothing can escape this cycle in any dimension.
Regardless, I'm not sure my premise that there are no writings of God/Nature has been refuted any more than the existence of God which I'm well aware of the arguments for and against. I use the term God also for an audience that uses it freely without direct knowledge to get their attention without dismissing their beliefs. It's foolish to try and disprove God's (relativistic) existence and has never been done mathematically nor scientifically that I know of.