InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardHow A.I. Begets the End of MoneyIt may take awhile or it may cascade rapidly, but it’s a logical outcome.Jul 20, 202411Jul 20, 202411
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Two Sides of AI: Ethical & UnethicalWe must draw the lines somewhere before someone else does.Jun 11, 20244Jun 11, 20244
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardMemetic Evolution Is Rapid and Should Be More In Our ControlSurvival of the fittest applies to ideas too and our ideas may be killing us unless we come up with some better ideas soon.Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Endless, Ever-Increasing Compromises of Ethics for Ever-More Business ProfitsHow far businesses will go to boost the bottom line? We need to set some more serious limits before it’s too late.Feb 15, 202414Feb 15, 202414
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardMemetic Inbreeding: AI Model CollapseWe might be in for more than mere AI model collapse, it could spill over to us.Dec 4, 20231Dec 4, 20231
Peter McClardThe Pathetic Ill “Logic” of American Gun LawsLogic and Reason SHOULD guide us but they don’t.Nov 15, 20231Nov 15, 20231
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardA Scourge on Humanity: The Common Definition of ProfitReal profit is much more interesting than a number on a spreadsheet.Aug 13, 20231Aug 13, 20231
Peter McClardSocial Survival: The Missing InstinctAs individuals we have a well-developed survival instinct. But now we need more than that—a species-wide instinct that we are missing.Jul 3, 20231Jul 3, 20231
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardHarness AI with Objectives for Humanity and the Earth, or ElseArtificial Intelligence requires our full attention and a clear set of objectives.May 14, 20233May 14, 20233
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Ethical Atrocities of Making AI ConsciousnessHumans are good at doing things they should probably never do and “sort of” dealing with the consequences later—if they can.May 7, 20232May 7, 20232
Peter McClardThe Delusion of ReligionEvery religion can’t be right, just yours, eh?May 9, 20223May 9, 20223
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Delusion of SovereigntyNo human or creature has sovereignty over even one single atom, not even the ones that make up our own bodies.Apr 30, 20231Apr 30, 20231
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardWealth and the End of MoneyAre we headed for Utopia or Dystopia?Mar 4, 20231Mar 4, 20231
Peter McClardWe Are Being Invaded By a Million Poorly-Regulated Militias-of-OneI have seen the enemy, and it is ourselves.Feb 15, 20232Feb 15, 20232
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardIncompleteness Theorem: Why AI Will Never Be ConsciousTake heart, sentient beings, you have something no artificial entity will ever have: Awareness, the ability to sense being, feel and…Jan 11, 202343Jan 11, 202343
Peter McClardWe Need More Pro-SemitismI’m not Jewish but I’m extremely appreciative of Jewish contributions to humanity and have zero tolerance for bigotry against them.Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
Peter McClardWhy Twitter Will Always Be IrrelevantIt’s not as influential as some think and not in the ways they think it is.Dec 9, 2022Dec 9, 2022
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Myth of the Noble Human PredatorHumans are a special animal that doesn’t have to follow the ancient rules of dog eat dog, prey and predator, conquest of the weak, even…Nov 20, 20221Nov 20, 20221
Peter McClardNow is NOT the time to tinker with U.S.A. Democracy!Yes, we have a Democracy with a capital D and we need to protect it.Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
Peter McClardThe Big Bang THEORY Has Major Issues!Many act as though the Big Bang is settled science. Reality check!Oct 14, 202210Oct 14, 202210