Peter McClardThe Pathetic Ill “Logic” of American Gun LawsLogic and Reason SHOULD guide us but they don’t.Nov 15, 20231Nov 15, 20231
Peter McClardThe Ridiculous, Ill “Logic” of Climate DeniersIt is better to err on the side of caution. — Old AdageSep 2, 20231Sep 2, 20231
Peter McClardSocial Survival: The Missing InstinctAs individuals we have a well-developed survival instinct. But now we need more than that—a species-wide instinct that we are missing.Jul 3, 20231Jul 3, 20231
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Delusion of ProfitProfit, as usually defined, leaves out way too many considerations that make it arbitrary and delusional.Mar 12, 20224Mar 12, 20224
Peter McClardThe Delusion of ReligionEvery religion can’t be right, just yours, eh?May 9, 20223May 9, 20223
Peter McClardThe Delusion of Politicsdelusional: [adj] Believing something to be true that is clearly not. Someone who is not thinking clearly.Jul 23, 20222Jul 23, 20222
InDataDrivenInvestorbyPeter McClardThe Delusion of SovereigntyNo human or creature has sovereignty over even one single atom, not even the ones that make up our own bodies.Apr 30, 20231Apr 30, 20231