Never Love Your Country More Than Your Planet
Hey, it’s perfectly normal to have strong and patriotic feelings about your country, whether born there or immigrated to. I mostly love my country. But please let’s keep it in perspective. Countries are 100% human constructs. They are bounded by imaginary 2-dimensional areas on a map generally created with lots of murder and mayhem and blind stealing of land. They often represent the cultural connections of a common language and history. From the perspective of the Earth, countries don’t exist. Any astronaut can confirm this as they circle the world and fail to see borders other than the occasional blacked out regions at night such as North Korea. The Earth is one planet with vast oceans, continents, mountains and islands (sea mountains).
Whether you count Empires or Nation-states, the oldest on Earth are definitely no older than 5,500 years old (Egypt). On a planet that has been around for at least 4 billion years that’s 0.0001375% of its history. So there were absolutely no countries for 99.9998625% of Earth’s history! Even if you go back a ridiculous million years it’s 99.975% with no countries. That’s darn close to 100% no countries. So what was the Earth doing all those billions of years before this 0.0001375% of its history?
Put your pride in your planet ahead of your country! Forget nationalism. You need Planetism. Go Earth! Make Earth Great Again (MEGA)!
What Planets Do
Planets are way cooler than wimpy little human countries. They don’t rely on a government or a language and they have only one indisputable, 3-dimensional border outside of which lies Outer Space, very clear for anyone to see and agree upon. Whereas these upstart human countries rise and fall in a matter of a few hundred or thousand years, planets are in it for the long run, billions of years. Long enough to turn an amoeba into a human with a spaceship! Long enough to wear mountains taller than the Himalayas into nubs or carve out the Grand Canyon with a small river many times over. Planets come in all forms, even in our one solar system, let alone the trillions of other ones out there. From all we can tell, the planets we have observed are uninhabitable. They look cool. They spin on an axis and revolve around their stars but most often are too close or too far from the star to support life. Scientists say there is a 95% chance of an Earthlike planet within 20 light years. No problem—you only need to go a million miles per hour for 328,700 or so years to get there, IF it exists!
Get real , THIS Planet is the BEST one around.
Nice Stuff Earth Does for Us
- Gives countries a place to exist
- Allows us to live in the vacuum of space
- Protects us from the Sun
- Provides food, water and air to breathe
- Provides incredible resources
- Gives us beautiful fragrant flowers, animals and vistas
- Gives us weather and seasons
- Gives us day and night to rest
- Gives us a home in the Universe
Why Do People Disrespect Our Planet So Much?
For all it does for us, most especially allowing our very existence, you would think we would worship the Good Earth. But no, we totally take her for granted. We put almost everything we do above her and we treat her like she is merely a dead stage for us to act out on. Wrong, it’s the Stage of All Stages. When the show closes on this stage, all shows close. The level of disrespect for the Earth is off the charts. She has seen everything imaginable yet we DARE to challenge her and destroy what she has build over the Eons—a perfectly balanced ecosystem for us to live and thrive in. We are so proud of our little countries while taking no pride whatsoever in the very thing that allows countries to exist—Mother Earth.
WARNING: Ignore the Earth at Our Great Peril
Earlier people had FAR more reverence for the Earth as they were closer to their origins. They understood the give and take and the harmony of Nature. Once we became fully industrialized, only borrowing from the Earth’s greatness, we became separated in our minds and our prideful downfall began (sound familiar?). We started a process of pillaging and plundering, polluting, paving over every great thing and at the same time became enamored with our power and our military might and our clever machines. Of course, the Earth has in fact made these things, having made us, but she had very specific conditions of allowing their usage which we have ignored. Her conditions are set in stone, inviolable and absolute. They require a very particular balance between giving and taking, life and death. When you take much more than you give, she will not tolerate it for long. And by long in this case, I mean the blink of her eye.
The Earth does not seek justice or vengeance. She seeks harmony and balance but make no mistake, she ENFORCES this, she ACHIEVES it. Her systems are complex and intertwined and in collusion with her best friend, the Sun. When they go out of balance she, with the Sun, employs CHAOS until balance and harmony is restored. She is the Boss of Bosses and the maker and destroyer of Life and Nations.
Relearn how to Give, or else.