Of course, that is the initial capital outlay to create a system these days. But I go into great detail to explain the programmability of matter which shows that such systems need not involve billable human labor at a certain point and even the original intellectual property becomes public domain. Furthermore, AI and machine learning can create, improve and maintain such systems beyond human comprehension or labor capabilities. Don’t take my word for it. Read Kurzweil, the Singularity is Near. Don’t take his word, search out any number of AI art creation sites or apps and play around and ask who owns the art you create with it. It’s not a matter of if, but when. It’s not a bad thing that money is not a permanent fixture of humanity. It’s simply not a necessity for an exquisite quality of life, a clean environment and evolutionary changes. Also, note the things you use for free such as search engines or social media which also be even more easily completely automated being entirely electronic. Yes, money is a convenient exchange mechanism when such exchanges are required. Try to picture Spock whipping out his wallet…not required, only when on primitive worlds as a disguise. Everything has an inherent freeness, not an inherent cost.