Prior to the phonograph music needed to be played by musicians too. That couldn’t be faked with out of tune instruments and spazzy random notes. You had to know something about music. Art is no different. I know you want there to be a magic shortcut to being an artist and modern art already proved many years ago anything can be art such as a blank canvas or a urinal if you have the mojo. Yours is a typical response of a poser outside the actual art world. You are in the infinite house of mirrors of infinite images from infinite artists that no one can appreciate except in random posts for 5 seconds. Who would be stupid enough to study an AI image for all its brilliant insights and sense of humor or punk attitude? Dead. At least when I program a generator I know what I’m doing and have supreme control of the parameters using MY mind, not someone else’s except the designer’s of the operating system and hardware. I can and do use AI as fodder but what I make will never look like all the other AI art because I have a distinguishable style I specifically developed. By the time you scrolled to the bottom of my Instagram feed @pmcclard you would have seen over 10,000 images and thus will never have time, way past the recent video experiments, that AI can’t even currently make unless I programmed it. And they aren’t jpegs they are vector art that open in illustrator or photoshop. And I don’t even consider myself an artist. Do you call yourself an artist?