So You Think You Are Pro Life?
Almost nothing has caused more death and destruction of American lives and well-being than staunch, supposedly Pro Life Advocates have caused. Indeed, the current American Carnage both in the pandemic response and the hyper-violence in the streets is all traceable to these Single-Issue constituents who will overlook all other facts or indecencies to do God’s work of “protecting babies.” They will even murder, and have many times, and tried many more. They conflate moral stances on Liberty with God’s will. They cry bloody murder when the Godless State interferes and dictates proper behavior so that even a simple medical prescription such as wearing a mask in a pandemic for a few months is an affront to God and Faith. They will fight for judges that share their views even though those same judges may cause unspeakable harm to many thousands in the form of corporate protections, gun advocacy and other things that harm Life and Freedom and threaten Democracy. It’s a no-compromise, scorched Earth approach based on self-righteous conclusions that are nearly impossible to change, but just as impossible to justify.
Now before I lay into to these complete hypocrites let me say that I myself am not Godless, nor am I religious. I am Philosophically Agnostic, meaning I admit I do not know for certain there is a particular God (or not) and I do not yet possess Faith with a capital F like many of my dearest friends. Nor do I reject Atheism espoused by many other brilliant people I know since they are merely being objective and scientific regarding evidence, or lack thereof, or need they don’t have for an Almighty Being, the ultimate man behind the curtain, pulling all the levers. But to complicate things, I have had personal experiences that lead me to know with My Own Certainty there is something Very Big out there, something Aware, something Majestic beyond comprehension. But it doesn’t come in the form of an Endorsement of Religion or reverence for a particular book. It’s personal.
For the purposes of this writing I am going to Imagine there is a God and will interpret this God as I see it and it won’t likely match up to anyone else’s vision or interpretation. My Imaginary God is Awesome. By Awesome, I mean the type that makes you bow down in utter humility as like a moth to the Sun. But not just our Sun, but all the Suns and Stars in every Galaxy, all the planets and nebulae and black holes and quasars and much more in all their Glory—the Entire Universe. We don’t live in the Dark Ages and we have seen these things with our own eyes. They are real. Besides this I know that even a single atom is a Miracle of Epic Proportions in its perpetual intricacy and dance of Forces only the Mind’s Eye can see with Mathematics and Science and Theories. Besides those Physical things, my God presides over ALL living things, however they came into being—each flower, each ant, each ape, each snail, each tree, each blade of grass, each bacterium, each virus and each human. My God permeates these things as a sort of field of Unity. My God doesn’t cogitate and reflect. My God doesn’t speak primate languages but uses primates for that. My God doesn’t play games. My God doesn’t take sides and my God doesn’t enforce Rules. My God is not a bully. My God doesn’t have a beard. My God is not a man or a woman. My God is simply the I AM.
You don’t have to look very hard to find a Religious Hypocrite, someone who says they believe one thing then do another, says the Bible is the word of God, but ignore many passages from it because it is not convenient to follow those teachings from those times.
But if she is cleansed of her discharge, she shall count for herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean. And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons and bring them to the priest, to the entrance of the tent of meeting. And the priest shall use one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her before the Lord for her unclean discharge. —Leviticus 15:28–30
How many of you have done this? How many have cleansed themselves after touching a woman on her period and remained unclean until evening? This is nonsense and this is mild nonsense compared to many other passages in the Old Testament that are soundly ignored by Christian zealots. When you read many ancient admonishments and rules and even Commandments, they were being given to THOSE people in THOSE places at THAT time. Otherwise, such an Almighty God would surely issue regular updates every 500 years or so, not just disappear off the face of the Earth and let people of the Space Age try to make sense of things passed on from the Iron Age. Passed on by Men.Passed on by human writing and translation. Passed on with embellishments and ommissions. No, the Bible didn’t say tell everybody for all time to follow such and such rules but a lot of people sure think it did.
Thou shalt not kill. — Commandment
Thou shalt not kill what and when? Because we sure do kill a lot of people and animals every day. We even kill whole species. The Pro Lifer’s have a pretty narrow definition of life: any human who has not been born yet. After that, it seems all bets are off. Yet, even their God regularly allows a woman to get pregnant and in 10 to 20 percent of the cases Terminates the pregnancy by means of miscarriage—God’s abortion. Now, I personally can’t picture my God making so many mistakes. So if the human soul goes into the cells upon conception as some think, then why would God play that game? Ha, tricked you! No life for you, give me back your soul—miscarriage. But before we go into this whole “where does life begin” philosophical debate let’s looks at where we ALL know it ends, at least for physical bodies.
First, let’s agree animals are alive, have feelings and experience pain and pleasure. Ever seen a dog’s tail wag or hear a cat purr? The average meat-eating American eats 7,000 animals in the course of a lifetime. This roughly breaks down to 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep, and 4,500 fish. Very few of these ever tend to these animals nor even care what sort of life they lived or death they died. They are mere commodities picked up, neatly packaged in parts at the grocer. But make no mistake, there is a gigantic industry behind this animal holocaust. Since only about 3.4% of Americans are vegetarian this means together our current population will consume approximately 2.4 trillion animals in the US alone! Most of those animals will live in abysmal conditions and be slaughtered by the millions every day. Of course our beloved pets will eat whatever we don’t so that adds a significant animal product demand. On top of this, you will gladly drive around seeing endless road kills, spray RAID into ant hills and use energy that causes the Earth to heat up and kill millions of animals and people in fires, floods and super storms. The Bible does not absolve you of every sin. Yes, you MAY be forgiven for your ignorance, but you are still guilty.
That’s not exactly the most Pro Life type of behavior if you happen to be one of those animals or devastated people, but I only mention this to show that our definition of Valuable Life only seems to include humans we know or in our State or Country, not most animals and not all humans.
As it is, the Conservative, Pro Lifer is also prone to be Pro Death Penalty and Pro Police doing whatever they deem necessary to Protect and to Serve and provide Law & Order. These so called Christians will even take glee in an execution that takes place decades after what was likely an horrific crime, even though the perpetrator in numerous cases long ago repented, showed remorse and spent their years in jail reading the Bible that urges forgiveness or themselves were raised under monstrous circumstances. Even so, State Sponsored Execution after decades on Death Row has not been proven to be a deterrent. Indeed the lowest murder rates are generally found in countries without death penalties. As a punishment, it breaks a Commandment of God and sends the exact opposite message—it’s OK to kill people if we, the government, say so. Of course, there have been numerous cases of misidentification, frames and setups and pure racism that have sent many an innocent person to execution. We have a whole Major religion based on the execution of an Innocent Man so this is especially hypocritical. While the Old Testament is filled with prescriptions for death penalty and vengeance, the later, overriding New Testament is not. Christ was a humble redeemer, a forgiver, a Saint, a peacemaker, a turner of the other cheek. Who among you is blameless so as to cast the first stone? Yet so many so-called Christians conveniently gloss over this aspect of His teachings.
But Pro Lifer’s aren’t always satisfied with merely stopping elective abortions, they also often fight against simple contraception so that the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy increases. What happens when an unwanted pregnancy is brought to term? A baby is born whose parents (or singly parent) are not ready to do what’s necessary to raise a healthy, happy and successful person. Maybe they don’t have a complete education. Maybe they are too young. Maybe they are unemployed. Maybe they are poor. Maybe they were raped or coerced or made a mistake. All sorts of things can happen that make it the wrong time for such an important job—that of motherhood.
Let’s stop for a second to recall that the Earth has no shortage of people. We are overflowing the Earth’s capacity to provide. When Moses urged his followers to “Go forth and multiply” he wasn’t addressing all generations of people in the future, he was addressing his flock, his people in that time. They were few and the Earth was quite sparsely populated. Not so today. No vacancy 5,000 years later!
Let us entertain a simple idea: Whoever is born, was meant to be born. Whoever was not born, was not meant to be born. I know many women who got foolishly or accidentaly pregnant as teenagers and decided to legally terminate those unwanted pregnancies, as unpleasant as that was for them. Yet each one went on to have full families and gave birth to one or more children when they were ready. Had they chosen to fully form and bear those untimely children, their lives would have been turned upside down as well as those around them and the resulting children would be raised by a child, not an adult. I’ve seen enough of such children turn out with so many issues and problems that I can hardly recommend this as a wise choice. In many instances, where the mother is poor and in a bad neighborhood, this often leads to a life of self-perpetuating crime and destitution, no fault of the poor unwanted child, nor even the single mother, working two jobs, trying to keep food on the table but unable to do everything required.
It’s no coincidence that 30 years after Roe v. Wade and The Pill, violent crime came plummeting down since so many fewer unwanted children were being forced to live an angry life of being unwanted or left alone too much. This in turn saved many lives since fewer violent criminals were out there stabbing, punching and shooting people. The point is this: By terminating a tiny clump of cells or an embryo (like God does all the time), we allowed other people in the future to live. We saved lives by not starting certain physical lives under bad circumstances. Abortion saves actual lives.
We can all debate when life truly begins since we have no certain answers. We know one for sure we can all agree on—when you take your first breath, you inspire—you are very much born. It can hardly be at conception as soon as a sperm enters an egg because that means God makes mistakes all day long by causing miscarriages. Now there may be those that argue, the Devil is the one who undoes God’s will and causes the miscarriage but then you have lost because you are saying the Devil is more powerful than God and God can’t possibly protect this innocent clump of cells. No angels or helpers can stop this all powerful Devil from doing his work. I say nonsense! Your God is weak.
Scientists will give you different answers such as life begins when brain activity begins or when the heart starts beating which generally occurs long after conception and long after most abortions are performed. In other words, there is “no one home” when most abortions are performed, nothing to be experienced, no sensations to feel or compare. It’s biologically near the equivalent of a woman having a period and flushing out an unused egg in most cases—certainly in the case of the Morning After Pill. That life was simply not meant to be any more than the one flushed out during menstruation was. But others are meant to be and will become bouncing babies, so nothing is lost in the end. We have no shortage of babies.
Also, if you do believe in a soul then even in some theoretical case where a soul loses its host body, who are you to say that soul won’t immediately find or be placed in a new host? Stop pretending like you or your pastor knows the Big Plan and are on the group chat with God. You’re not. Since souls are supposedly Eternal, how could an abortion destroy a soul? Think! You can’t have it both ways—eternal and temporal. Bodies are of the physical world of atoms and fields. Souls are of the metaphysical world in a dimension we have yet to touch, including with abortion.
To make this crystal clear, God DOES have a plan for you. 100% guaranteed abortion, also called Death of the body. Some day, you and everyone you know WILL be separated from your body, hopefully at the right time and in a way that is natural. But even this for you Religious types is simply a transition to the Afterlife you love to dream and talk and pray about. “Daddy is watching us from above.” So how could an abortion stop this? This perfectly innocent life that was not meant to be can have no affect on its eternal, innocent soul, IF it even got one—which you have no idea, only a belief or theory.
So no, you don’t know God’s plan and God doesn’t make mistakes and God doesn’t automatically let all lives come to birth and you will only EVER meet people who were meant to be born, good and bad, strong and weak, beautiful and ugly, smart and dumb, the whole works. Pro Lifers will never bring to life a single person who was not meant to be. Don’t fool yourself. That is WAY above your pay grade. BUT, you have shown yourself willing to END lives that are in full being, to murder, to kill doctors, to kill animals, to kill entire, perfect ecosystems wrought by the Hand of God. Do you think you can escape Judgement for such things? Where’s your permission slip from God?
What you DO need to concentrate on is HOW YOU TREAT the people you do meet, the ones you know are alive and have been born. I believe, That is how you will be Judged.
No one is Pro Abortion. That’s why it’s call Pro Choice. We could say Pro Right to an Abortion. How we treat these women, who are the biological masters of their own bodies, is how we will be judged. You don’t get to claim ownership or dominion of something in her womb, sharing her blood, her food and drink, her hormones, distorting her body, especially in the first half of a pregnancy. That is HER DOMAIN. If she determines, by herself, or with a partner, that this one is not best to finish and bear, so be it. Her Choice. Unless ACTUAL God descends from a cloud and sends a shock of molten lightning into your body and says “Stop that woman!,” then BUTT OUT. You have no say and that’s why it’s the Law of the Land in many countries including the United States of America. Period.
Finally, I am VERY Pro Life as is almost everyone I know. I love life. I want everybody to live the best life and to not live terrible lives. I want the Lion to lay down with the Lamb. I want the children we do have to live in peace and in a great, healthy environment with a sense of hope about the future. No one wants more abortions but I don’t believe they are an abomination to God but merely a means we have to properly manage modern living on a full planet. If you are a believer then who do you think gave us that scientific and medical knowledge? Why? Who empowered us to take control of our destinies and protect the Earth? Never forget, God works in mysterious ways.