Peter McClard
May 6, 2024


Unfortunately, no one has time to go into your twisted rabbit hole of conspiracies and self-deceit. Suffice to say most of what you have written (pasted) here is utter typo-infested nonsense. I especially love the one where try to connect Pearl Harbor to Zionism when all historians including Japanese ones know the Japanese had their own very separate misguided reasons to attack. You really need to listen to Joseph Campbell who will straighten out your goofy version of the Egyptian-Judeo-Christian connection with much better scholarship. Lastly, I detest this sort of copy paste off-topic drivel that asserts some stupid conspiracy agenda that you want to get out there and you think Medium is really helping your cause. It's not. FAIL.



Peter McClard

As a creative type, entrepreneur and philosopher, I write on many topics and try to offer solutions to, or useful insights into common problems.