We Are All Getting Replaced Continually
Nature’s Number One specialty is replacing everything—continuously.
That’s why its such a joke for certain absolute weirdos to go around talking about it like it’s even something that can be prevented, let alone acted upon violently. If you’ve been alive for 7 years, every atom in your body has already been replaced with different ones. I hate to tell you, some of these atoms were recently seen in a rat poop that got absorbed into a wheat plant that was used to make flour for the bread in the sandwich you ate. “Rat poop will not replace us!” Uh, sorry, it already has. I also hate to inform you racist “geniuses” there are no white or black or brown atoms. ALL of the atoms in your body have passed through and lived in every race, every animal and every plant on Earth at one point and in stars way before that. They’ve been in sewers, mountaintops, clouds, bugs, supernovas, you name it.
Every breath you take fills your lungs with billions of air atoms and particulate atoms as they enter your body for exchange. Atoms once breathed by African Kings and Queens, Queen Elizabeth, James Brown, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King and Charles Manson are there. Because of Entropy, Nature’s favorite trick to stir the ingredients of the Universe up, these tiny things rapidly move far and wide so get real, you will be replaced, 100% guaranteed until you die and then after that too. Get used to it because there’s not a damn thing you can do about it because it’s how life works.
But we all know you malignant miscreants (wherever you are) aren’t worried about rat poop atoms entering your brain, you are worried about “Jews and N-gers” replacing you in life, replacing your mom and uncle dad, your inbred cousins and whatnot. You are worried they will take your jobs, take over your town and God forbid, have multi-racial babies so often that eventually there will be no “white” people left. Sorry, too late. There never exactly were any pure white or black people. That’s your number one myth and mistake. Seriously, what you think of as caucasians only appeared around 5,000 years ago or even later and the early Europeans were dark-skinned as was recently discovered. What, you think Africans couldn’t walk out of Africa over thousands of years? Are you that slow? Did you accidentally see a picture of a white Adam and Eve? Was it a photo?
Oh the horror! They had more melanin molecules in their skin to protect against the Sun in Africa so light reflected a bit differently. Oh no, not different reflecting light. That’s terrible. What ever shall we do? I know. Let’s get a Bushmaster gun and go to a grocery store where lots of the “different light reflecting people” shop and kill them. That will stop the replacement!
OK, so you want to have only the wonderful light-skinned variety in your country, here’s what you do:
- Go back in a time machine and stop slavery
- and Rewrite the Constitution so no immigration is allowed from non-white countries (if those exist)
- and Don’t add TX, NM, AZ and CA to the US from Mexico
- and Finish the genocide of Native Americans
Once you do that, go ahead and enjoy your inbred monoculture devoid of good music, good food, morals and diversity. Of course, that’s impossible, so quit whining immediately because that’s the ONLY way you could possibly achieve anything like you want. We already fought a war over it and you lost big time.
By the way—YOU, white people, actually replaced black folks since they were here in the 1,600’s and likely your American ancestors came much later. Mine first came in the 1720’s, 100 yrs after the first Africans were kidnapped into American slavery but nonetheless lived here in this land. Indeed many, many modern African Americans are of multi-racial origins and have European and Native American genes mixed in already. Thomas Jefferson’s black descendants number in the thousands and that’s just one guy. Pure Africans were replaced too, often by rape or force, sometimes by love or mutual lust between consenting adults.
Furthermore, white settlers literally replaced Natives in pretty much every single area of the United States yet I have yet to see a Native American going berserk with an AR15 to fight back or “straighten the situation out.” Of course, most supremacists aren’t actually mass-murdering freaks but the whole replacement theory is completely bogus to begin with except as I said, everybody and everything always gets replaced continually. So if you think what happened to the Native Americans can’t happen to you, you don’t know how the game works.
If you want to get into genetics, then you will learn that African genes are the most mixed on Earth already. Since they were in Africa for millions of years, each tribe and people bred with each other so many times that it created a completely ridiculous mix of genes that will never be completely unravelled. But that’s funny too, because those same folks are who migrated up to Europe with those same genes and so every single “white” person also has those complex genes embedded deep in their own similar genes which for all humans is 99.5% identical, 0.5% different regarding skin, hair and other superficial traits.
The Ultimate Replacement
Fast-forward to the future of America and it will be like any other mixed-race culture on Earth: Mixed Race! Sorry, it can’t be helped. People fall in love. People have sex. People have babies and those babies do the same as they have for millennia. Add immigration into the mix and we have a constant supply of new cultures, races and genetics that only add to the mixing. It’s really much more like the Zeroeth Law of Thermodynamics than one may think.
If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
Basically, people are similar to atoms bouncing around. They move about, meet new people and “exchange energy” until they reach equilibrium or homeostasis. That’s why you see on the borders of different ethnicities people who exactly look like a perfect mix of those ethnicities. The further East in Russia you go, the more EurAsian folks appear. Mexicans are a blend of Mayans, Aztecs and Spaniards. Brazilians a blend of Portuguese, Amazonians and Africans. Since all humans are the same species, homo sapiens, we can and will breed. Many millions of Americans already are of mixed-race origins so relax. Remember—homo sapiens is your species so quit dividing it!
In the end, say in a hundred or so years, none of it will matter because people will have evolved to tinker with our genetics (already happening), enhance ourselves with cybernetics and be off living in space so this fear of being replaced is really misplaced. What we should all fear or be concerned about is being replaced by robots or genetically engineered superior races or new species we can’t breed with which is bound to happen. They will be stronger, faster, smarter, better looking and somewhat invincible to the modern average guy and they might even be blue or purple or space black.
Here’s a tip for you replacement worriers: Take control and replace yourself with a better you before someone or something else does. Replace your dim, paranoid and creepy racist thoughts with Love and have some real Faith that things are the way they are for a reason.
You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.