Member-only story
When Does Life Begin?
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
Now we may dispute the translation or the meaning or the intent of this very early passage near the beginning of the Bible but we can all agree, when we take our first breath through our nostrils, we are 100% alive as an “independent” being. I put independent in quotes because we all know too that a newborn baby is anything but independent. They are the very essence of dependent on their mother or some caretaker that will feed them, protect them and see them through the very protracted and fraught human childhood. Nevertheless, we can safely issue them a Birth Certificate with their own footprint signature, indicating personhood with respect to the System. They have been born and are breathing.
The Truth is Life had already begun, long, long ago. And because life begets life, it is passed on through the millennia with each new birth. The born don’t invent life, nor do they create it. They inherit it. So yes, upon conception, life is there and at each stage of gestation, life is there. The Life Force, that is. In reality, the mother, a fully developed, breathing, independent Living Being is the one we can all agree is fully alive along with ALL of HER bodily contents. She is not merely a vessel for her potential child but…