You have much more to learn about History and how it works. You are futilely trying to reverse engineer thousands of years of what you refer to as "Western" when it's really "Earth" and people like Issac Newton, Leibniz, Spinoza, Homer, Euclid, Aristotle, Plato, Einstein, Euler, Maxwell, Shakespeare, Hegel, Marx, King and many more contributed great leaps of thought. If you got a PhD in electrical engineering (after a lifetime of hard work in school) and invented a new chip design for phones you might be more humble but you can't disguise your disdain (or envy) for such personal achievements so you put the burden of the world's worst past on the childrens' shoulders. They live in the Now. They work for the Future.
You have offered no concrete solutions other than some imaginary reparations to the "colonized" which could apply to any people since all have been colonized one time or another. All technology becomes public property after patents expire (20 yrs) and anyone can participate if they have the will and ability. Anybody can invent and work hard.
Why is Brazil deforesting the Amazon? Greed.
Each Evil eventually has a silver lining. Crusades led to the Enlightenment. Slavery led to blues and gospel and jazz and rock and hip hop and Civil Rights. WW2 led to the UN. Russia's war is leading to a carbon neutral energy system. At least that's my optimistic take.
When you stop using computers, electric lights, cars, bicycles, phones, listening to music, airplanes, etc. get back to me using smoke signals. I'm pretty sure you take advantage of all these things and are not quite as dedicated as Greta Thunberg who took a sailboat across the Atlantic to address the UN on Climate Change. I think your main beef is with modern capitalism which I fully agree is disgusting and broken. But it will evolve like everything must.